What Is PPC?

Sure, you’ve built a great website for your small business. It’s well-designed, informative, and packed with great content as desired for SEO.

But this is the harsh truth: if nobody clicks on your site, all that work and investment will go to waste. So how do you attract online visitors? One of the best ways is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

PPC advertising is a method of online marketing where you can place ads in strategic places online, and pay a fee only when the ad is clicked by a visitor. It’s a way to buy visits to your site rather than attracting them organically.

When a user clicks on the ad, your business will pay a specified fee. This fee is called the cost per click (CPC). The CPC can vary dramatically – the average fee is between $1 and $2. Some clicks be as cheap as a few pennies while others can cost more than $50.That basically depends on density of keywords and in which location you are targeting.Google AdWords is best for small and medium growing

Another key term is CPM, which stands for cost per 1,000 impressions and applies to display and video ads only. Unlike CPC, where you pay based on how many times your ad was clicked, CPM is based on impressions alone. You’re paying for the right to show your ad 1,000 times – regardless of how many times it is clicked.

So is PPC right for your website? Here are some reasons you might want to add it to your online strategy:

It’s extremely targeted.

You can choose precisely who to show your ads to based on location, keywords, interests, age, gender, language, and even the type of device used. This allows you to advertise your goods and services directly to the people who are most likely to be interested in what you’re offering.

It allows you to retarget previous visitors.

On average, out of every 100 people that visit a website, only two will convert into customers. That means 98 percent of initial traffic goes to waste. Retargeting allows advertisers to remind people who left the site without making a purchase to come back and see what they’re missing.

It’s cost effective.

That’s because you only pay a fee is when your ad is actually clicked. When you consider the fact that the top three advertising spots on a search results page get 46 percent of the clicks, the odds are in your favor. PPC allows your business to be at the top of the search results page, even above the organic results.

It’s trackable.

This means you can monitor how your ads are performing and adjust them if you’re not getting as many clicks as you’d like. And you always know which ads are actually driving sales and helping your business and which ones aren’t.

It’s fast.

While ranking high in organic search results is important, it takes time to get there. But with PPC? You can put a new ad up and start seeing results in a matter of days, if not hours.

So if you’re looking to immediately attract more traffic to your site and boost sales, give PPC some serious thought. In the end, the greatest benefit PPC has to offer is that it helps get your website the attention it deserves from the people who will appreciate it most.

Veena Ashiya

CEO / Co-Founder

Walking the path of purpose On a mission to achieve, inspire, and make a difference.