Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker

About Keyword Density Checker


What is the keyword Density Checker tool?

Keyword density is a tool constructed exclusively for the motivation of calculating the keyword density of a web page.

The team at Mirzasotools generates the tool after discovering that some marketers are still filling their content with too many keywords without even recognizing it. This harms their websites because Google does not want you to fill your content with keywords.

This tool solves that problem completely. It permits you to scrutinize a whole web page using its URL or copy-pasting a bit of its text.

The manageable way to calculate keyword density is usually to divide the mention of a particular keyword in the text by the total number of words in the text, and then multiply the consequence by 100 to get your probability.

But our Keyword Density Tool does more than just calculate the keyword density. It actually checks and analyzes all the head keywords used on the page or text being analyzed, and shows you the following metrics for great performance and effective content optimization.

  • Entire numbers of keywords on the page.
  • Page load time if you're parsing a URL.
  • A tag cloud describes all the keywords used on the exam page or path.
  • The keywords to be topped within the content, their prevalence multiplied, and the criterion that the keyword materializes in is the title, explanation, or <h*>
  • Keyword density for each keyword or phrase used in the tested content, including their prevalence of use and probability of use. This count is divided by descending order of one-word keywords, two-word keywords, ten-word keywords, and four-word keywords.


This type of knowledgeable investigation permits you to easily explain and become familiar with the quantity and sum of keywords used in your content.


How do we check keyword density?

It's a very simple method: divide the number of uses of any keyword on your page by the number of words on the page. Multiply this by 100 to get the percentage, which in this case is 1%.

What is the keyword density in 1000 words?

It is usually communicated as a percentage. To determine this, divide the number of keywords in position by the entire number of words in position, then multiply that number by 100. For example, if you use your quarry keyword 10 times in a 1000-word blog post, you'll have a keyword density of 1%.

What is a good keyword density?

There are dissimilar schools of opinion when it comes to distinguished keyword density. For some, it is allying0.5% to 0.8%. Some specialists would like this number to be higher; from 0.5% to 2.5%. However, most specialists would acknowledge that preferably it should be less than 3%.

How do we fix keyword density?

  1. Effectual keyword research. The first stride is the most cardinal.
  2. Avoid wrong sentences.
  3. Maximize the number of words.
  4. Have the right mindset.
  5. Good quality is king.

How do we fix keyword density?

It is very simple; all you need is to put as many SEO keywords as possible in your content. We suggest adding keywords to your title, 100 words of your content, and the last 100 words of content.

How does google handle keyword density?

Keywords transmit gestures to Google about what type of center a page should be displayed for. If too few keywords are used, Google may not understand what the page is about. Can see, which he does not take generously.

How keyword density is calculated?

All you have to do is divide the number of times your keyword materializes on a page by the number of words on that page. For example, if you raise your keyword 10 times in a 1000-word article, your density would be 1%.

Does keyword density affect SEO?

The soaring the density of a key phrase, the more credible it is to have an entire thread about the subject. As such, it is still important to pay awareness to the keyword density of SEO. But, two adverse of the past times, it is more about the surrounding of the time of the copy and you are not using the word as frequently as you can.

Why is keyword density important for SEO?

Your keywords are an important factor for SEO as Google attempt to match the search engine of the user with the most appropriate web pages. To match your web pages to a certain angle, Google will not understand what your web page is about. That's why you should use your keyword, the phrase you want to rank for, in your copy.

How do we optimize keywords?

Here are 6 keyword optimization tips.

  • Scrutinize your current On-page SEO.
  • Discover keywords for your site.
  • Delineate your keywords.
  • Add keywords for your site.
  • Keep away from keyword stuffing.
  • Don’t forget your quarry audience.

How many keywords should we target per page?

You should cornerstone on at littlest two to three keywords for each page. This incorporates one-facing keywords and two closely connected keywords. If you can cornerstone on more keywords interval making the content realistic, try to adapt to more SEO keyword discrepancies.

How do we use the keyword density checker tool?

Our Keyword Density Checker tool is very easy to use; you just need to follow two simple steps.

 Step 1 #: On this page where you are now then enter the URL of the page you want to analyze. And then select text then contented if it is not produced online.

Step 2 #: To check your demand, press the check button.

After doing this much, you will get your complete result.

Free of cost

IntoNet has brought this tool for you absolutely free, you do not need to pay anything to use it, and you can use it easily and without paying anything any difficulty.

Veena Ashiya

CEO / Co-Founder

Walking the path of purpose On a mission to achieve, inspire, and make a difference.