What is a PPC Service?

PPC stands for the full form “PayPer Click” service. It is also known as “Cost Per Click” service. This is an internet advertising model in which an advertiser makes use of the content of the owner’s website to market a product, phrase, or a service. The owner has to ensure that enough traffic is being driven to his or her website, as the same will benefit the advertiser. In return, the owner gets compensation. It is commonly associated with first tier engines like Google AdWords. With the help of these search engines, owners typically seek to generate revenue by targeting niche topics or specific contents.

The ad content on each site generates fixed revenue for the advertiser. However, some factors may affect the pay per click rate. PPC generally displays advertisements in the form of Banner ads. These ads are put up on websites to show related content to the searched content or pre-defined content. It makes the use of visual aid; whereas, audio may also be used. Social sites like Facebook or Twitter also use the banner form of PPC advertisement natively.

The PPC service will display an advertisement whenever the keyword query matches the specified keyword list or any such defined content. These advertisements are known as “Sponsored links” or “Sponsored ads” and appear above or beneath searched result on a search engine or page or anywhere, where developers have chosen it to display. This is a very effective tool to abuse through fraud clicks.

Pay Per Click marketing is a way of using a search engine where it is advertised to generate clicks on your website.

PPC allows you to:

  1. Attract more customers
  2. Reach right people at right time
  3. Advertise your site locally or globally

Also, two basic advantages given by PPC services are:

  1. No visit, no fee
  2. Start with any budget

How does this work?

Every time when a visitor on your website clicks an ad, you’ll get a small fee as the reward. This paying of the fee is known as “Pay Per Click”. If your PPC campaign is well-designed and runs smoothly, then the fee will be trivial. It will be trivial because the visit will be worth more to your business than what you will be paying for it. Why PPC management services are good for everyone?

Here is a list of those things that makes PPC service good for everyone:

  1. Good for Searchers: The research indicates that visitors click on ‘paid search ads’ more rather than any other form of digital advertisement. This means that people don’t mind in clicking advertised things, provided that products and services actually fit the searchers’ needs. This is because we use search engines when we are looking for the products and services. The results that include ads are highly relevant to what we search for. Also, Google has developed a new formula for ensuring PPC ads meet the users need.


  1. Good for Advertisers: Advertisers are offered with a unique means for putting their message in front of the audience that is active and specific in seeking out their products. This is because searchers reveal their content requirement through the search query. Advertisers are able to measure the traffic, which is created from the search engines.


  1. Good for Search Engines: With the help of PPC, search engines can cater searches and advertisements at the same time. Also, as specific keywords are used in deriving PPC, the search engine lookout for the same, hence speeding up the process. Google is awarded as the best search engine for ad space due to its market share and revenue from its quality ads. Google provides good performance and offers tools to make your ads better; hence greater will be your clicks and higher will be the revenue you’ll get from the market.

Google AdWords for PPC

One of the most popular platforms, which operate PPC model, under which marketer bids on keywords; the website owner receives the pay for each click on their advertisement. Whenever a search is initiated, Google searches for AdWords advertisers and classifies results, which appears in the ad space on the search results page. The selection is done on the basis of the quality of keyword, relevance of the keyword, and ad text or size of the keyword.

Moreover, when will a keyword appear on the page is primarily based on user’s rank. The same further classified by multiplying the following two factors:

  • CPC Bid – Highest amount an advertiser is willing to spend.
  • Score Quality – Value that takes account of your click through rate and landing page quality.

But is this system right for you?

Well, thinking about these questions leaves us with an answer of Yes. PPC advertising offers a unique opportunity as:

  • Growing Customers Base

The numbers of people using online services, tools, and forums are increasing day by day. As this audience grows, the chances of product or service sales improve, and the revenue if you happen to be a website owner.

  • Generate Low-Cost Leads

As PPC allows you to reach the prospects when they are researching or looking to buy, this is a highly effective way to bring interested visitors to see your site. The visitors also enjoy algorithmic discounts and recommendations, thus keeping them happy.

PPC works for any type of business. But it is difficult to execute and maintain.

Use Grader to Grade PPC

Once you are done establishing a PPC Campaign, you can use a performance grader to rate the same. This grader is a free tool. It checks the following areas of your PPC Campaign.

  • Text Ad Optimization
  • Quality Store
  • Impression Share
  • Use of Negative Keywords
  • Click-Through Rate

With the help of performance grader, you can get to know where and how you made improvements that helped in boosting your PPC campaign, what can improve your performance and can potentially your revenue. This method is fast, secure, and reliable.

Veena Ashiya

CEO / Co-Founder

Walking the path of purpose On a mission to achieve, inspire, and make a difference.